Computer Courses

Embedded Systems Course


A system is an arrangement in which all its unit assemble work together according to a set of rules. It can also be defined as a way of working, organizing or doing one or many tasks according to a fixed plan. For example, a watch is a time displaying system. Its components follow a set of rules to show time. If one of its parts fails, the watch will stop working. So we can say, in a system, all its subcomponents depend on each other.

Embedded Systems

As its name suggests, Embedded means something that is attached to another thing. An embedded system can be thought of as a computer hardware system having software embedded in it. An embedded system can be an independent system or it can be a part of a large system. An embedded system is a microcontroller or microprocessor based system which is designed to perform a specific task. For example, a fire alarm is an embedded system; it will sense only smoke.

An embedded system has three components :

• It has hardware.

• It has application software.

• It has Real Time Operating system (RTOS) that supervises the application software and provide mechanism to let the processor run a process as per scheduling by following a plan to control the latencies. RTOS defines the way the system works. It sets the rules during the execution of application program. A small scale embedded system may not have RTOS.

Characteristics of an Embedded System

↦ Single-functioned − An embedded system usually performs a specialized operation and does the same repeatedly. For example: A pager always functions as a pager.

↦ Tightly constrained − All computing systems have constraints on design metrics, but those on an embedded system can be especially tight. Design metrics is a measure of an implementation's features such as its cost, size, power, and performance. It must be of a size to fit on a single chip, must perform fast enough to process data in real time and consume minimum power to extend battery life.

↦ Reactive and Real time − Many embedded systems must continually react to changes in the system's environment and must compute certain results in real time without any delay. Consider an example of a car cruise controller; it continually monitors and reacts to speed and brake sensors. It must compute acceleration or de-accelerations repeatedly within a limited time; a delayed computation can result in failure to control of the car.

↦ Microprocessors based − It must be microprocessor or microcontroller based.

↦ Memory − It must have a memory, as its software usually embeds in ROM. It does not need any secondary memories in the computer.

↦ Connected − It must have connected peripherals to connect input and output devices.

↦ HW-SW systems − Software is used for more features and flexibility. Hardware is used for performance and security.


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Embedded Systems Course

↦ Fundamentals of Embedded system

Definition of Embedded System -Characteristics-Applications-Examples Language used in Embedded System - Assembly Language-Instruction set -Embedded Programming-Embedded Programming using C- Difference between C & Embedded C - Build Process Components -Assembler & Compiler - Microcontroller's Architecture-Diversify microcontrollers-KEIL -Universal Compiler/ GNU Compiler, Exposure to different architecture (RISC, CISC, DSP),Embedded and Real Time Systems Descriptions, Installation and configuration of embedded development tools,Characteristics and constraints, Special tools for Embedded Debugging (On-chip debugging support, JTAG, BDM,ICE), Future of Embedded trend.

↦ C programming & Data Structure

Compilation Process (Development Tools), Modular Programming, Development Environment/platforms, Syntax & Semantics, Pointers, Arrays – Complex types, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Working with user defined data types – structures, union, enum. Data structures: Array, Lists, Dynamic arrays, Heap (Binary), Stack, Queue, Circular Buffer,Linked List and Trees.

↦ AVR Micro Controller

AVR microcontroller, Introduction to AVR/RISC architecture, Instruction set / Bus architecture, RAM, FLASH, UARTand other peripherals, Pin configurations of different Microcontrollers (According to Packages). Assembly & EmbeddedC language, Assembly Language (Instruction set, Mnemonics, Memory address), Introductions to Embedded C,Loops, String , Arrays, Pointers, Functions and Macros, Compilers , Editors and Burners, Compilation and burning hex file on Programmer. Peripheral Interfacings, Port programming & led interfacing, Seven segment display, Liner keyboard, Matrix keyboard, DC motor, Stepper motor, Relay, Timer & Counter. Communication Protocols and Converters interfacings, RTC (I2C), EEPROM (I2C), UART (Serial Communication), ADC(0804), Sensors. Advance display modules, Introduction to graphics, 16×2 LCD display, Graphics on Character LCD, Introduction Graphic LCD, Graphic LCD Controller and Commands, Interfacing and making Graphics for 128×64 GLCD.


INTRODUCTION TO ARM PROCESSOR , Introduction to embedded system and ARM Processor, ARM related Companies and its opportunities, ARM processor family, Application of ARM Processor ,Compiler, Emulation and Debugging. LPC2148 microcontroller Or Friendly ARM board pin details, memory, LPC2148 ARM 7 microcontroller, Features of LPC2148, Block diagram of LPC2148, Pin diagram of LPC2148, Architectural overview, On-chip flash program memory, On-chip static RAM. system control ,Crystal Oscillator, PLL, Reset and Wake-up Timer, Brownout detector, Code Security, External Interrupt input, Memory Mapping Control, Power Control, VPB. memory map, pin connect block, gpio, Memory map, Pin Connect Block, General Purpose Parallel I/O: Features, 8 Bit LED’s and switches, Relay and Buzzer, Seven Segment Led , Keypad, LCD. TIMER, ADC, DAC, UARTs , General purpose timer/External event counters : Features, Interfacing Timer and Counter Operation, 10-bit ADC: Features,

Interfacing Temperature Sensor LM35, 10-bit DAC: Features, Interfacing DAC, UARTs: Features, Serial Communication, Interrupt Controller, Interrupt Sources, External Interrupt. I2C, SPI, PWM, RTC, WATCHDOG TIMER, I2C – bus serial I/O Controller : Features, Interfacing with AT24C1024, SPI- Serial I/O Controller : Features, Interfacing with 25LC040, Watchdog timer : Features, Real Time Clock : Features, Pulse Width Modulator : Features.

↦ Real-Time Operating Systems

Introduction to RTOS, Task management, Inter task communication, Memory management, Interrupt handling Vx works/ Nucleus/ Micrium: Tasks, Inter task synchronization, Inter task communication, I/o systems, Interrupt and timers, Shared memory.

↦ Linux Internals and Device Drivers

Overview of Linux Knowing Your Machine, Operating System, History of Linux, Structure and features of Linux, Working with a Linux machine, The Linux File system Hard disk, Files, Directory Hierarchy, Commands for managing Files and directories, The Shell Types of shell, Wild – card characters, Redirection and pipes , Shell variables, Command line Expansion, Users and File permissions Three categories of users , Types of accounts, User configuration files, File permissions, File ownership, The vi editor Three modes of vi , Saving text and quitting vi, Command mode, ex mod, advanced features, X window system Layered structure of X, window managers, the KDE desktop, the GNOME desktop, Configuring X, Filter commands Simple filters, Regular Expressions, Advanced filters- sed, Report writing using awk, Processes Basic process concepts , Sending signals to processes, managing jobs in the background, process scheduling, Shell scripting writing shell scripts. An Introduction to Device Drivers, Building and Running Modules, Char Drivers, Debugging Techniques, Concurrency and Race Conditions, Advanced Char Driver Operations, Time, Delays, and Deferred Work, Allocating Memory, Communicating with Hardware, Interrupt Handling, Data Types in the Kernel, PCI Drivers, USB Drivers, The Linux Device Model, Memory Mapping and DMA, Block Drivers, Network Drivers, TTY Drivers BSP: An Introduction to boot loader and board support package GRUB, LILO.

↦ Development Boards:

Friendly ARM, Raspberry, Beagle Bone Black, AVR, PIC.

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    Nithya shree

    It’s a Best place to learn any additional course to grow in Career. I would definitely recommend “Learning Academy” for the one who is willing to learn something to achieve their career goals or to increase their knowledge.

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    Swathi Gowda

    Very friendly and polite instructors, They give preference to our timings, Many courses are availabel one of the best I would suggest it for all. Thank you

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    Muskan Alia

    Good teaching facilities, proper training provided by the trainer and practice session also I choose this institution as it was cost effective

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Course Features

  • Duration : 10 Hours
  • Lectures : 09
  • Quizzes : 05
  • Students : 100

New Batch Starts at
Monday : 31-Mar-2025 and
Wednesday : 02-Apr-2025

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